A love letter to Taiwan — Part 2I love Taitung a lot! Each year I’ll go back at least once. I even create a Spotify list for Taitung. ( from aboriginal singers and some…Aug 7, 2019Aug 7, 2019
A love letter to Taiwan — Part 1I was born and raised in Taiwan and lived here for many many years. Until 4 months ago I moved to Berlin. Here I meet a lot of people and…Aug 7, 2019Aug 7, 2019
UI初心者-第一間公司的專案們M公司是我的第一間公司,至今都非常感謝當時錄用我的老闆跟主管,工設系碩士畢業後不知道是因為我真的太菜,還是產業需求確實少,好難找工作,找了半年,本來已經打算放棄去澳洲摘葡萄了,就剛好在年後得到了這個工作機會,本來是招產品企劃,因為看公司的介紹很有趣,就投了試試看,還記得面試時跟主…Oct 10, 2017Oct 10, 2017